The Best 12 Page Book on Music Theory Ever? Evan Burgess Reviews ‘The Chord Wheel’
An easy read! There are a huge amount of learning resources for the guitar. This means the first thing is to work out how to cut through the deluge of information. The Chord Wheel isn’t just for the guitar, but is really useful for a typical guitarist’s mentality. This is because the theory isn’t so complicated it is off putting. With the guitar, any hint of music theory can be hit by a reverse snobbery of “I don’t need to know that”. This is because the guitar is played as a mostly intuitive instrument. To many intuitive instrumentalists, all talk of theory is reduced to a “square” subject. Feel and emotion are often more valued to a guitarist. But this book is very unique in the fact it simply helps you find the complimentary ingredient if you already have a nice riff or progression. Imagine the situation, you have a verse and a chorus, but you just don’t know how to transition between them or to add something extra midway through a song. The front of this book is ...